Tuesday 12 February 2008

What have i been doing lately...

I have been slack with this of late, but i will rectify that. I have been back in Sydney for a little over two months, you may be wondering what i have been up to...

Well we had our annual Dinkum/Aussie carols, wish was really good, we had 43 people attend, and everybody enjoyed it.
We had 31 people come to our Christmas day service, which was good, and everyone who came enjoyed our service.
The Christmas Lunch was a succes we had 49 people come and we had enough to eat and there was even a little left over.

I spent christmas evening at my aunt's house, which was a fun evening, and included the watching of Merry Christmas Mr bean, and a good catch up time. We went together to the family gathering at my grandmothers house, prior to which we chopped up the fruit salad for lunch. It was a lovely time at granny's house including playing Uno Attack and Disney Trivial Pursuit.

Mum's Birthday and Australia Day.
Just before Oz day my mother had her 50th birthday, it was a good day doing exciting things, like palying the game that my brother gave her called backwords, where you either have to work out what a word said backwards is or turn a forwards word backwards. Hilarious fun.
The best present that my mother got though was that my brother and sister in law returned from England that day, which was exciting for all of us.
As the birthday was so close to australia day we had the big party on that day, it was also a welcome home for jon and amy. It was a lot of work but it was an enjoyable time, especailly seeing all the rellies.

What about the day to day?
Well I am looking for work again it's not always easy but God is here and i know that he has a plan for me, i just have to trust him. It's good to be back with my family, but i do miss Tassie sometimes especially the people.

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