Wednesday 30 January 2013

Back Again.

Yes, I know, It's been a while since I have posted here. I have been pretty lazy of late, in regards to my blog, but I thought it time to update everyone who reads my blog, ( all none of you) on what has been happening.

Since October I have been forced to volunteer at Vinnie's in Newtown for work for the dole. It's ok I guess but would not be my first choice in what to do. I guess the best part of it has been meeting some nice people.

The more exciting thing that has happened has been that since November I have been doing casual work for Auburn Library Services. This has been pretty fun especially because it is in the field that I am wanting to work in. So I get rostered on for some shifts and if I am needed for other shifts then I get called up for them.

Things are starting to look up, I am still looking for more permanent work but it is a start.

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