Wednesday 26 March 2008


Well my Victorian relatives (and the one that is studying in Adelaide) came up for Easter.
My Adelaidian cousin came up by plane and on Thursday, and stayed at our place Thursday night cause we live close to the airport. Her plane was meant to be arriving at 8:40 on Thursday, so she was up at 4:30 but there was a hydraulic leak or something on the engine so the plane was cancelled. She didn't end up arriving till 12 in sydney.
My brother met her at the airport and they were catching the bus back but my brother forgot to check which direction the bus was going in so they went the wrong way and didn't arrive at home till 2.

All my mother's side of the family got together on Friday evening at my mother's sister's place. It was really good for everyone to be together especially when everyone is spread so far and wide.

On Sunday afternoon we went and visited my father's mother. that was a nice time too.

We also had some good church services, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday with the Easter Feaster. I think that everyone who came enjoyed the time. Lot's of yummy food and celebrative time for the service.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Wouldn't have made it back before 2, even on the other bus.