Wednesday 17 January 2007

Way Down South Where The Apples Grow...

Well all of you out there I'm moving down to the Apple Isle. That lovely little Island to the south of the Great South Land ...Australia. This Island is also known as Tasmania for those who are not up on Australian geography. Now why am I going all the way down there? Well I'm going to the second major city (town) Launceston, to a Bible college which is run by WEC to help look after the children of students while they are in classes. I will be leaving around the 8th February
and will be back home late November or early December ...I'll be home for Christmas, God willing.


Jonathan said...

At least it's not as far south as London is north ;)

Crazyjedidiah said...

No but it's still overseas

natto said...

We'll miss you mate. I wonder if there are any doctors in Tasmania, owing to the fact that an apple a day keeps them away. At least you won't miss my corny jokes...

Jonathan said...

Corn tastes even better than apple, though

tdix said...

For all Beth's devoted readers, I have spoken to her and she has arrived safely.

All the betht

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.