Wednesday 17 November 2010


No it wasn't me in Hospital. I've just been lazy. But I was at the hospital a couple of weeks ago.
So my sister had something happen again that had previously happened and she went and saw the doctor. The doctor referred her on to someone else which ended up meaning that my sister had to have day surgery the next day.
My mother and I went in with her so that there would be someone to take her home when it was finished. My mother had prior commitments for the afternoon which is why I went too, in case sis was ready while mum had to be elsewhere.
My sister was told to be at the hospital at 10 am so we got there before 10 and she was called to go in to pre op just after 10. Mum told her to leave her bag when she went in.
Just before one my mother checked what was happening with my sister and she hadn't even gone in yet. You see she had been a late adition to the theatre lists so she was gonna be the last on of the day. So my mother decided she should go home and get ready for the afternoon.
I stayed at the hospital for the rest of the afternoon until around 5 and then my mum rang and told me that she found out my sister wouldn't be ready till 7. So I went home and my mum came back in to take her home.
It was a kinda boring day but at least I had my book with me, unlike my poor sister who's book was in her bag which mum had got her to leave with us.

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